The follow document outlines the process necessary to onboard an account that qualifies for a menu/ordering widget that will be added to a Hibu website.
Pilot DSC will be notified of a scheduled consultation in Agendize. (Process team will be notified of order and coordinate with Pilot DSC and AM.) DSC will assign the DSC case to themselves and include a case comment that the account is part of a pilot and should not be reassigned. They should also reassign the appointment to themselves in Agenize. Add the account to the GF Pilot Accounts google sheet and fill out all applicable fields.
Prior to consult, DSC will need to convert the account from a “Lead” to an “Organization.” DSC will log into with their Hibu email address and designated password. Here, they will access the account and update information to complete the conversion. This step is necessary to allow the menu to be created.
Once on the account, select “Convert Lead” from the top right corner of the screen. A pop-up window will appear with several fields to complete.
Select “Save” once all fields have been complete.
An email will be generated, and the email icon will show a “1.” Once the email appears, select the envelope to access the email. This email is necessary to complete the steps for creating the account in the Menu Building platform.
Once the account has been converted from a Lead to an Organization, it will appear under the Organization section of the CRM.
On the details tab of the account, you will see important updates and milestones associated with the progress of the account from the vendor.
Basic account information
Information specific to the client’s tablet (other notable information that should be called out here?)
Tablet Shipped means the tablet has been sent to the client.
Menu widget code will appear under Website Integrations. See
Adding Menu to Website for details.
Information regarding the clients Auth.NET account will appear here
See Restaurant Basics for details on what information should be added prior to consult.
If the client has any questions regarding their menu product or the features tied to it, the below should be referenced to direct the client.
Tablet/Ordering Functionality is not working (IBOnlineOrdering)
Payment Processing Issues (International Bancard)
Menu Editing “How To”
The below training is provided by the vendor to the client on different pieces of the menu tool.